The Privilege of Providing Cybersecurity Training to Business


In today’s digitally-driven world, the significance of cybersecurity cannot be understated. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, individuals and organisations must prioritize their digital security. As a cybersecurity professional, I recently had the privilege of conducting a number of training sessions, where we delved into the fascinating realm of password policies and the importance of creating strong yet memorable passwords. In this blog post, I will discuss the valuable insights gained from these discussions and explore approaches to crafting passwords that are both robust and easy to remember.

The Role of Passwords in Cybersecurity:

Passwords act as the first line of defence against unauthorised access to our digital accounts and sensitive information. However, many individuals still underestimate the importance of creating strong passwords, often resorting to easily guessable or reused combinations. This oversight leaves them vulnerable to cyber attacks, emphasising the need for comprehensive cybersecurity training.

Exploring Password Strength:

During the training session, we discussed the key factors that contribute to password strength. By understanding these elements, users can develop passwords that are resistant to brute-force attacks and other hacking techniques. Here are some approaches to creating robust passwords:

1. Length: Longer passwords are generally more secure than shorter ones. The longer passwords will increase the complexity and resilience of your password.

2. Complexity: A strong password should contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using predictable patterns or common substitutions.

3. Randomness: Avoid using easily guessable personal information, such as your name, birthdate, or pet’s name. Randomly generated passwords offer the highest level of security, but they can be challenging to remember.

Balancing Strength and Memorability:

Creating strong passwords is crucial, but it’s equally important to strike a balance between strength and memorability. Encouraging users to adopt good password habits can greatly enhance their ability to recall complex passwords. Here are a few strategies to achieve this balance:

1. Passphrases: Consider using a passphrase instead of a traditional password. A passphrase is a series of unrelated words or a sentence that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess. For example, “CloudsInBlu3Skies!” combines randomness, complexity, and memorable elements.

2. Mnemonics: Mnemonic techniques can assist in memorizing complex passwords. Create a memorable phrase using the first letters of a sentence or use a combination of unrelated words to form an acronym. For instance, “I love spending time at the beach in Silloth” could become “Ilst@tBiS.”


Conducting cybersecurity training sessions offers a unique opportunity to educate and empower individuals and organisations to strengthen their defences against cyber threats. In my recent experience, discussing password policies and techniques for increasing strength and memorability provided valuable insights. By adopting robust password creation strategies and cultivating good password habits, individuals can significantly enhance their digital security. Remember, it is not only a privilege to share this knowledge but also a responsibility to spread awareness and enable a safer digital environment for everyone.