Privacy Policy

We value you and your business and appreciate that you share your personal information with us. We take this responsibility very seriously and will treat your data with care and respect.

This is our Privacy Notice and it explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal data. We are responsible for the collection and proper management of any personal information you submit. We will keep your personal details secure and use the information you provide in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws and the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Who is responsible for managing my information?

Keswick Computer Solutions does not use third parties for managing data, Keswick Computer Solutions and its websites and brochures operated and/or produced in relation to it are owned by

Keswick Computer Services Limited

Registered Address:

The Loft
Braithwaite Farm
CA12 5RY

What information do we collect?

If you choose to use our services or make requests for quotations about potential work, we will collect details that you provide in relation to that work or quotations, Information held is likely to include your name, address, contact details, information about your request and any additional information we may need to help meet your specific requirements. We also collect website usage information and do this using “cookies”. For further information about cookies and how we use them please see our Cookie Policy.

How do we use your information?

To enable us to provide support or services that you have requested or contracted to.
To maintain our own accounts and records.
To inform individuals of news, events or activities.
for statistical purposes when we evaluate our range of services.
Legal Obligation We may also disclose your personal data without your permission to the extent that we are required to do so by law or regulation.

What is our legal basis for processing your personal data?

Our lawful basis for processing your general personal data: Processing necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary in order to carry out the ongoing nature of the support we offer within the computer support environment. And in case of any legal claims/complaints; for safeguarding purposes.

Your rights and your personal data

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

The right to request a copy of the personal data which we hold about you;
The right to request that we correct any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;
The right to request your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary to retain such data;
[The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time, WHERE CONSENT WAS YOUR LAWFUL BASIS FOR PROCESSING THE DATA];
The right to request that we provide you with your personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller, (known as the right to data portability), (where applicable i.e. where the processing is based on consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject and where the data controller processes the data by automated means);
The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing;
The right to object to the processing of personal data, (where applicable i.e. where processing is based on legitimate interests (or the performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority); direct marketing and processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics).

Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Privacy Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions.

Changes to our privacy policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

How to make a complaint?

To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints please in the first instance contact us on 017687 75526 or by email to

If this does not resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office on 03031 231 113 or via email or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, England.